Video: chinese get their first taste of Ekselence ice cream

It was already reported this week that Latvia’s leading dairy product maker – Food Union, has opened its first ice cream popup shop at one of Shanghai’s most popular shopping centers New World Dai Maru, which is visited by some 100,000 shoppers a day. Latvian-made ice cream has been available in China for a week already. Watch the video to find out what residents of Shanghai say about it after getting their first taste.
“To the Chinese, ice cream is not a traditional and familiar product, but it is gaining more and more popularity. After tasting our Ekselence ice cream, the Chinese said it was sweet, but just to the degree they liked it, with tender chocolate, juicy sauce and, which is no less important, a fresh and pleasant taste,” says Normunds Staņēvičs, Board Chairman of JSC Rīgas piena kombināts (Food Union Group).
The design and concept of the Ekselence popup shop reflect the culinary values of Ekselence and Latvia, and of course, will offer Latvian-made gourmet ice cream Ekselence to consumers in Shanghai. The shop will be open daily and will offer Ekselence Double and Ekselence family ice cream packs of various flavors. At the same time, Food Union has also opened shops of the Nu Smoothie brand at Shanghai’s five leading and most visited supermarkets: Bao Shan, Zhong Huang Bai Lian, Wu Jiao Chang, Nan Jing and San Xin, to sell Nu Smoothie ice creams made from natural ingredients.