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To our Employees and Suppliers: “Let’s take good care of ourselves!”

I want you to know that the safety of our employees is our greatest concern. We are committed to safeguarding our employees and ensuring the safety and quality of our supply chain is maintained at impeccable standards.

Across markets, we ask Management Teams to monitor, set up to co-ordinate responses, and adhere to the guidance and recommendations from the local health authorities. Check for updates regularly and inform employees immediately when applicable.

  • If it is possible for you to work remotely, please do so.
  • If it is not possible for you to work remotely, please be informed we have installed rules, policies and safeguards to keep you in best of health while working on site. Please, make sure to follow these rules.
  • When working on site, please always:
  • Keep a distance of at least 2 m from other fellow workers
  • Wash hands often with soap and disinfect them with special disinfectants
  • Use personal protective equipment at all times while at the workplace
  • Do not gather in groups of over two people;
  • Avoid handshaking and instead wave from a distance
  • Avoiding touching your face
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue or the inside of your elbow
  • In case you suddenly feel sick, immediately inform your direct manager/ direct contact person, leave the premises and contact your medical provider.
  • When working from home, please always be conscious of your health:
  • If you feel sick, please stay home and contact your medical provider.
  • If members of your family at home are sick, please keep them at home and contact your medical provider.
  • If you have arrived (returned) from Covid-19 affected countries in the last 14 days or you have been in contact with persons who have arrived (returned) from Covid-19 affected countries in the last 14 days, please stay at home and contact your medical provider for further instructions.

Let’s take good care of ourselves and our fellow human beings. Let’s be responsible and observe the restrictions. At the same time, let’s remain calm and have an optimistic outlook for the future. We will overcome this crisis together.

Normunds Stanevics
Food Union Group CEO Europe

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