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“Rīgas Piena Kombināts” enters second stage of “Eksporta un inovācijas balva 2014”

AS “Rīgas piena kombināts”, which is one of the subsidiaries of Latvia’s leading dairy processing company Food Union, has entered the second stage of the “Eksporta un inovācijas balva 2014” contest in two categories:

  • “The most export-capable company” among large and medium enterprises;
  • “The most innovative product” with the premium ice cream “Ekselence Dubultais”

For the tenth year in a row, the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia in cooperation with the Ministry of Economics organise the contest “Eksporta un inovācijas balva” (“Export and Innovation Award”). In 2014, 101 applications were submitted for the contest’s 4 categories. Find out more about the contest:

The goal of the contest is to recognise and reward Latvian entrepreneurs who have achieved good results in producing new and export-capable products, providing the local market with high quality locally made products, introducing innovations and working on industrial design.

The winners of the “Eksporta un inovācijas balva 2014” contest will be announced at the award ceremony on 4 December 2014, when, at the “Cēsis” Vidzeme Concert Hall, all the participants of the contest will be greeted by the contest’s patron, the State President Andris Bērziņš.

Last year, the innovative fruit ice cream “Nu Fruit” produced by ‘Rīgas piena kombināts’ took the 3rd place in the Industrial Design category of “Eksporta un inovācijas balva 2013”.

Papildu informācijai:

Linda Mežgaile,
Food Union sabiedrisko attiecību konsultante
[email protected]
M + 371 2977 2050

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