Lower prices for Limbažu piens products in February

As the purchase price for milk continues to drop in February, the leading milk processing company – Food Union, offers lower prices for the most popular Limbažu piens products. Until February 28, the most popular Limbažu piens products will cost just EUR 0.69.
The special price will be for those Limbažu piens products which Latvian residents purchase most often – milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream and fresh cheeses. The new price of the products will be an average 27% less than before the milk embargo, or the so-called ‘milk crisis’. The rest of the Food Union products also remain low, which, dependent on the product category, have been reduced by an average of 20% since the embargo came into force.
With the decrease in price of dairy products in September and October, there has been a substantial increase in the sale of local milk products in Latvia – the consumption of Food Union products by locals has increased by an average of 20%. Meanwhile, the sale of Limbažu piens products increased by 28% last year when compared to 2013. This was mostly due to social campaigns Latvijas labums, activities associated with Milk Month, as well as regular discounts.
As reported previously, in connection with the Russian embargo of dairy products, Latvia’s leading dairy company Food Union reduced the price of all of its products on August 21 between 5% to 30%, with the aim of facilitating the sale and consumption of local dairy products. These discounts were in force at local stores until September 30. At this moment, the price of Food Union dairy products, depending on category, are up to 20% lower than August of last year.
Par Food Union:
Food Union zīmols apvieno divus lielākos piena ražotājus Latvijā AS Rīgas piena kombināts un AS Valmieras piens, un lielāko saldējuma ražotāju Igaunijā – AS Premia Foods.
Food Union ir lielākais piena pārstrādātājs un vadošais uzņēmums pārtikas un dzērienu ražošanā Latvijā. Provizoriski Food Union apgrozījums 2014.gadā sasniegs 125 miljonus eiro. Food Union šobrīd strādā vairāk nekā 800 darbinieki. Food Union ražotnes Latvijā iepērk pienu no teju 400 Latvijas zemnieku saimniecībām.
Food Union strādā pēc augstākajiem pārtikas drošības un kvalitātes drošības standartiem. Tā ražotnes ir saņēmušas ISO 9001, ISO 14000 un ISO 22000 sertifikātus, kā arī veiksmīgi izgājušas FSSC 22000 un Ķīnas HACCP auditus.
Papildu informācijai:
Linda Mežgaile,
Food Union sabiedrisko attiecību pārstāve
[email protected]
T + 371 6724 0571
M + 371 2977 2050