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Food Union wins three silver medals at Riga Food 2015

Latvia’s leading milk processing company – Food Union, won three silver medals in the dairy product competition held every year during the annual Riga Food international exhibition. The silver medals and certificates of excellence were won by Limbažu piens skimmed milk curds and expert Marija Ramane’s skimmed milk curds in the category of up to 0.5% fat, cream-cheese Rasa and expert Sandra Vāvere in the fresh cheese category, and the naturally fermented milk product Lakto and expert Emīlija Lapa in the milk drink category.

“Participation in Riga Food and its competitions has become a fine tradition. It is a great opportunity for professionals in the industry, as well as enthusiasts and food lovers, where it is possible to show and tell them about our products, as well as sample them. It is also a great place where we can evaluate the competitiveness of our products in the Latvian market. We are happy to have been awarded three silver medals this year. We also wish to thank everyone involved in the production of our curd, cream-cheese and Lakto products, with huge gratitude to our experts for their hard work and striving for excellence,” said Harijs Panke, joint-stock Rīgas piena kombināts (Food Union Group) deputy council chairman.

Food Union had its stand at the exhibition, where for four days guests were treated to the company’s newest dairy products – Lakto, Valmiera yoghurts and other goodies, as well as offered to taste its most popular ice cream products – Ekselence, Pols and Nu Smoothie.

At the same time, also during the exhibition, Food Union informed about its dual education program together with Valmiera Technical College, where it is possible to learn how to become a qualified milk production specialist. The program includes classes at the Valmiera Technical College, as well as a traineeship at one of the Food Union production plants – either joint-stock Rīgas pienas kombināts or joint-stock Valmieras piens. Students can also apply for a grant. After successfully completing their studies for a degree, the new specialists will have the opportunity to continueat one of the Food Union production plants as an assistant to milk production specialists.

The milk product competition at Riga Food is organized by the Central Union of Latvian Dairy Farmers in cooperation with the international exhibition organizers BT 1, with financial support from the National Rural Network.

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