Food union to present 22 export novelties at the biggest food fair in the region

Food Union, the leading dairy production company in Latvia, will present 22 export novelties in the dairy product and ice cream categories at PRODEXPO 2014 – the biggest food fair in Russia and CIS countries. This will be Food Union’s 2nd year at the biggest food industry event of the region in Moscow between February 10 and 14.
This year Food Union’s stall at PRODEXPO 2014 will feature over 80 various products of which 22 are export novelties of 2014. Brands already recognized in Russia such as RASA, Monterigo and Legendi gor (Легенды гор) – 27 various products – will be represented at the Food Union’s dairy product stall. Food Union’s ice cream stall will feature Ekselence – natural premium ice cream brand, Nu Fruit – innovative fruit ice cream brand, and Pols – the most popular ice cream brand in Latvia – 54 various products. Food Union’s dairy product and ice cream stall will be part of Latvia’s national joint stall at pavilion 8, hall 2.
“Food Union closed year 2013 as the 2nd biggest ice cream importer to Russia and the 2nd biggest cream cheese importer in the HoReCa segment. Last year we developed a strong distribution network across 24 biggest cities in Russia, strengthened our positions in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and entered the Belarus market. In order to maintain the Food Union’s development dynamics we have created 22 new products for export markets that we will present at the biggest food fair in the region – PRODEXPO 2014,” Sergejs Beshmelnickis (Sergejs Beshmeļņickis), Director General of Food Union, tells.
Food Union is part of Latvia’s national joint stall under the support programme of the Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics (Latvijas Valsts Agrārās ekonomikas institūts – LVAEI) and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia on the support for market facilitation aimed at increasing and diversifying Latvian agricultural and food product exports.
PRODEXPO is the biggest professional food industry fair in Russia and CIS countries. PRODEXPO is attended by dozens of thousands of field experts. Total area of the PRODEXPO 2013 fair is 94,470 m².