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Food Union invests EUR 2.4 million in four new production units

Latvia’s leading dairy processing company “Food Union” continues work on development of the center of excellence of fresh dairy products and has purchased four new production lines. They have been delivered to Riga and some of them will be put into operations already this year. The amount of total investments in the equipment reached more than EUR 2.4 million.

“Almost a year has passed since we started work on development of the center of excellence. I have to admit with gratification that thanks to intense and considerate teamwork, construction and arrangement of the new production unit is being conducted in line with the timetable. Thus, in the nearest months consumers will be surprised by innovative, tasty and healthy dairy products that have been made with the help of the new equipment,” said Normunds Staņēvičs, the financial director of “Food Union” in Europe and board chairman of AS “Rīgas piena kombināts”.

In order to increase the company’s production capacity and expand the category of curds snacks with new format products, three innovative production units have been purchased: a new line for production of the classic curds snacks, a line for production of curds snacks with vacuum fillers, and a line for production of curds snacks in the form of sandwiches. In addition, a unit for packaging curds snacks has been purchased that will make the opening of the package even easier and faster. The value of these production units is almost EUR 1.5 million.

Also, considerable investments – more than EUR 970,000 – have been made in new drinking yoghurt line. The products will have new packaging solutions that will not only be more convenient in use, but also fully recyclable and therefore more friendly to the environment. At present the equipment is being tested and when the tests are completed, production will be launched in November. More information will follow.

All above mentioned equipment has been made in the European Union countries at the special order of “Food Union”.

As reported, work on the center of excellence of fresh dairy products will be conducted step by step, investing more than EUR 11.1 million by 2020. As a result, whole production in Riga will be centralized in a new production plant equipped with modern production units, thus, strengthening the leading position of Food Union in development of innovative products and allowing to expand the range of products.

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