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Ekselence – the official ice cream of riga 2014 in latvia and beyond

Esplanade 2014, cultural chalet of the European Capital of Culture, was opened in a ceremony on April 29. During the opening ceremony, Riga Vice Mayor Andris Ameriks, foundation Riga 2014 head Diāna Čivle and AS Rīgas piena kombināts (Food Union grupa) Chairman of the Board Normunds Staņēvičs also presented the official Riga 2014 ice cream – Ekselence ice cream bar with double chocolate glaze.

“We are pleased that businessmen have also found ways to get involved in the Riga 2014 events. The special Ekselence ice creams offer a great example of such successful co-operation to the enjoyment of both residents and guests of the city, which popularises Riga as the European Capital of Culture all around the world,” comments the Riga 2014 foundation’s head Diāna Čivle.

The official Riga 2014 ice cream will be sold in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. More than 3 million units of Ekselence ice cream bars with double chocolate glaze are to be sold by the end of the year.

“This is the technologically most complicated and at the same time one of the most popular types of Ekselence ice cream. It is for that reason that this particular ice cream deserves the honour of popularising the name of Riga as the European Capital of Culture. Ekselence with double chocolate glaze will not only be enjoyed by all those who love culture and ice cream, in Latvia and abroad, it will also be the tastiest cultural souvenir and advertisement of Riga” adds N.Staņēvičs.

The official Riga 2014 ice cream bar with double chocolate glaze will come with three kinds of filling – caramel, cherry, and pomegranate/raspberry. The ice cream is made exclusively from Latvian milk and cream, packaged into exquisite paper box, and has the Riga 2014 logo on it.

During the opening event for the Esplanade 2014 cultural chalet of the European Capital of Culture, Riga Vice Mayor Andris Ameriks chose his favourite Riga 2014 ice cream flavour – Ekselence with pomegranate/raspberry filling, Riga 2014 foundation’s head Diāna Čivle concluded that she liked Ekselence with cherries the most, and AS Rīgas piena kombināts Board Chairman Normunds Staņēvičs – the caramel Ekselence.

Esplanade 2014 will be open from April 29 to October 5 every day from 12 noon to 8 p.m. (or the end of the particular event).

The European Capital of Culture Programme of Riga was prepared and run by the foundation Riga 2014 in collaboration with state, municipal and non-governmental cultural organisations and creative associations. The Programme was financed by the Riga City Council, Ministry of Culture and the European Commission, and offered to the public in partnership with Lattelecom, which also provided technical support for the Programme. Insurance company ERGO was the official insurer of the events at the culture chalet and other European Capital of Culture events.

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