Applications for competition of most beautiful homesteads in Latvia to be accepted one more month

For just one more month owners of the most beautiful and neatest farmsteads are invited to apply for participation in the competition Most Beautiful Homestead 2016. Those who wish to compete for winning the title of the most beautiful homestead in 2016 and the main prize – a trip to International Green Week trade show in Berlin, as well as to compete for the titles of the Best New Farmstead 2016 and Inheritor of the Spirit of Straumēni 2016 are to write to [email protected] until July 31.
Any farm owner involved in farming, who lives in a beautiful and well-tended farmstead, is invited to participate in the competition. Just as last year, such farmsteads can be entered into competition by the friends, relatives, neighbors or cooperation partners of a given farm. The application has to include the name of the farm, name and surname of the farmer, the address, and contact details. The application also must include the name, surname, and contact information of the person entering the farm into the competition. Applications are to be sent to [email protected] by July 31 this year. Full information about the rules of the competition can be found on
The winner of the Most Beautiful Homestead 2016 competition will be awarded – courtesy Food Union – a paid trip to the Green Week in Berlin, the largest international food, agriculture and horticulture fair in the world that will take place on January 20-29, 2017, as well as other valuable prizes from Food Union and magazine IEVAS Māja. All the finalists will be invited to attend the awards ceremony hosted by the President.
Just as last year, awards will be presented in two additional categories. Food Union will single out the Best New Farmstead 2016 to honor those well-tended farms that have been founded or inherited from the older generation over the past five years. Magazine Ievas Māja believes that every proper Latvian wants to live in his or her own Straumēni, a farmstead in full harmony with nature where several generations work shoulder to shoulder, honor ancient traditions, know the value of hard work and appreciate job well done. It is the spirit of Straumēni farm that the Ievas Māja magazine will be looking for at all farmsteads participating in the competition to eventually present the award Inheritors of the Spirit of Straumēni 2016.